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SCU테마필진_ 취업팁, 미군부대 군무원으로 취업하려면~ 본문
미군부대 군무원
소시적에 미군부대에서 잠시 근무했던 경험, 그리고 그 때 만났던 군무원들에게 들었던 내용을 바탕으로 미군부대 취업정보를 전달해 드리고자 합니다. 미군부대는 한국 내에 있지만 미국으로 분류되기 때문에 미국에서 근무하는 것과 같으며, 예를 들어 평택에 있는 Camp Humphries는 캘리포니아 주에 포함됩니다. 복지혜택이 좋은 미군부대는 예전부터 좋은 직장으로 손꼽혀 왔습니다.
미군부대 군무원은 사무직인 KGS와 기술직인 KSC와 KWB로 나뉩니다. 자세한 구분은 어렵지만 KWB와 KSC는 주로 서비스업과 기술직을 하는 직종이며 KGS는 보안이나 PASS관리, IT 및 통신, 웹이나 홍보 등 사무일을 맡습니다.
-미8군 사령부 인사처 홈페이지에 방문하여 구인광고를 보고 자격요건 등을 확인한 후 이력서를 보내는 방법이 일반적입니다.
미8군 사령부 주한미군 한국인직원 채용사이트
예전에는 내부에서 불법적인 형태의 고용이 많이 이루어졌는데 최근에는 공정한 평가에 의한 채용이 이루어지고 있습니다.
최근에 미군캠프가 축소되면서 미군부대 군무원 채용도 줄어드는 경향이 있습니다. 하지만 여전히 수요는 있기 때문에 어학실력을 보유하고 있다면 도전해 볼만 합니다. 뽑는 직종으로는 간호사, 통역사, 건축기술자, 정보통신직,토목기술직, 자동차정비 기술직, 단순노무직, 푸드서비스직 등 다양합니다. 기존 군무원이 다른 직종이나 더 높은 직급의 직종으로 지원할 수 있으며 Internal Applicants 공석의 경우, 내부 군무원과 관계자 만이 지원할 수 있고 External Applicant의 경우 외부인원도 지원가능합니다. 이 부분을 노려야 하지요~
아래는 공석 사례입니다.
Vacancy Announcement (공석공고)
아래는 구인사례입니다. 중요부분만 체크해 드릴께요!
Announcement Number
Position Title & Grade
Language Specialist, KGS-1040-12 -> 사무직입니다.
Opening Date
Closing Date
United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command, Office of the CINCUNC/CINCCFC, APO AP 96205-0028
Duty Location
KGS-12 : Between 26,143 Won and 37,998 Won -> 직급과 급여입니다. 시급이구요~
TOUR OF DUTY: 40 hours per week -> 주별 근무시간입니다.
AREA OF CONSIDERATION: All current USFK KN employees (Korea-wide) and outside KN applicants
NOTE: 1. This position has been designated as KN EMERGENCY-ESSENTIAL (MISSION ESSENTIAL). KN EE (ME) Position Agreement Form (USFK Form 200EK) must be signed prior to appointment of the selectee for this position. US family member will not be considered for a Korean Emergency-Essential position.2. Position requires extensive travel on and off Korean Peninsula. 3. Incumbent is required to be available during both normal duty hours and after normal duty hours (on call basis).3. Selectee for this position will be eligible for relocation allowance if all requirements of USFK regulation 690-1, para 8-13 are met.
MAJOR DUTIES: -> 직무에 대한 내용이며 통역사에 대한 설명입니다.
KGS-12 : As Chief Korean Linguist, serves as principal and sole Korean-English, English-Korean interpreter/translator for the Combatant Commander, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Korea (UNC/CFC/ USFK). Serves as senior interpreter at extraordinary UNC/CFC/USFK conferences attended by officials and many distinguished visitors from both the Republic of Korea (ROK) and United States. Serves as the final translation authority for Commander, UNC/CFC/USFK on the accuracy of translations pertaining to all documents, letters, agreements, reports and written statements. Serves as the linguistic affairs advisor to the Commander in the area of US/ROK relations. Matters discussed cover an unlimited range of subjects, many of which are classified. Incumbent is totally responsible for the accuracy of translations and certifies to such. The mission is (1) to translate from and into English and Korean all communications between the Commander and Korean senior leadership, officials and counterparts both civilian and military to include the President of ROK, Prime Minister, National Security Advisor, Minister of National Defense, National Defense Advisor and Chairman of the ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff; (2) to provide interpreter/translator services to the Commander, UNC and other elements of the Command as directed. These services include, but are not limited to, interpretation at meetings and conferences, translation of communications such as letters, memoranda, agreements, laws and regulation between Commander, UNC or other elements of the Command and ROK agencies and accurate and rapid translation of spoken and written communications from or into English, Korean characters (Hangul), mixed Korean and Chinese characters (Hanmun), or phonetics at meetings attended by the Commander. Reviews translation and, if necessary, retranslates documents translated by other organizations. Possesses detailed knowledge of Korean and American history, customs and current overall situation to correctly interpret subtle nuances and sensitivities. Performs other duties as assigned.
EXPERIENCE: One year of specialized experience at grade level of KGS-11 or equivalent.
-> 1년 이상의 관련경력을 요구하고 있습니다.
SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE: Experience which is in or closely related to the line of work of the position to be filled and which has equipped the applicant with the particular knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) to successfully perform the duties of the position.
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: The Limited Access Authorized (LAA) is required. Applicant selected for this position is subject to satisfactory completion of the special background investigation for the LAA prior to appointment.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETENCY: The approval of management panel to determine English conversational skill is required.
1. All current USFK employees
2. Former USFK KN employees on the Area Reemployment Priority List (ARPL)
3. All other Korean National applicants
HOW TO APPLY : Applicants must submit an Application for Employment (USFK Form 130EK) by on-line resume. It is imperative that each item of the application be accurately and completely filled in and properly certified. Application that are not completed, incorrect will not be processed. You may get a specific guidance for it thru “How to Build an Application” on the web site, http://chra-fe.korea.army.mil.
WHERE TO APPLY : Applications should be sent to CHRA-FER thru on-line web site, http://chra-fe.korea.army.mil. Applications submitted without on-line resume (hand-carry, post mail, fax, e-mail, etc.) will not be processed.
EMPLOYMENT POLICY : It is the policy of USFK to employ based on qualifications and merit. No employee may request, offer, or accept gratuity, in exchange for employment or promotion within USFK, nor may they interfere with applicants exercising their rights to apply for consideration. Any employee found guilty of these practices will be subject to removal from USFK employment. Anyone aware of acts or omissions contrary to this policy is urged to immediately contact the servicing CHRA/HRO/CPF or HQ USFK, CPD, ATTN: FKCP-SES, Unit #15237, APO AP 96205-5237.
글로벌 세상, 글로벌한 마인드로 멋지게 사는 서울사이버대학교 학생분들이 되시길^^
테마필진 봉스(IT, 문화)
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